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Hi  My Name is Elaine King, I am a parchment and coloured pencil enthusiast with a desire to share my skills with those who want to learn more about these beautiful crafts.


I have been learning parchment craft for around 10 years and am a member of both The Academy of Independent Parchment Craft Tutors (Level 1) and The Association of Parchment Craft (Bronze Level).


During my time learning parchment craft I have developed a love of coloured pencil work attending many courses both with parchment craft tutors and coloured pencil artists.  My interest in both of these areas began when I attended holidays in Devon with two amazing tutors – Alison Yeates and Christine Coleman – both of these ladie have an amazing depth of knowledge and talent and, over the years, I have been blessed to be able to learn many skills from them both. 

My coloured pencil skills have been further advanced by learning from artists such as Paco Martin Dominguez, Bonny Snowden & Karen Beresford – I owe them all a debt of gratitude for sharing their talents so freely.

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